Empowering Media Professionals

MediaCopilot enhance accessibility, automate workflows, and reveal valuable insights while reducing operational costs and time-to-market.

Transcription and Translation

Transcribes and translates live broadcasts to cater to multilingual audiences instantly

Real-Time Subtitles

Provides live subtitles during broadcasts for accessibility, compliance, and global reach

Live Metadata

Automatic content categorization and summary directly from your live broadcast

Live Content Segmentation

Automatically segment long recurring formats (news, late shows, etc) into searchable, self-contained clips

Highlights and Video Summary

Navigate to key moments in broadcast or export a video summary right after content ends

Content Transcription and Translation

Transcribes and translates on-demand content for better accessibility and global reach

Lip-sync Subtitles

Automatically generates and synchronizes subtitles for optimal viewing experience

Metadata Enrichment

Identifies characters, topics, and generates summaries to enhance content discovery

Content Segmentation

Divides videos into chapters, removes intro and outro for a streamlined viewing experience

Snippets and Previews

Automatically generate snippets and previews for your content, saving thousands of hours of editing

Transcription and Translation for Article Videos

Transcribes and translates videos, enabling internal indexing and improving SEO

Integrated Video Subtitles

Enhance social media engagement through multilingual and synced subtitles for your video clips

Metadata Enrichment

Identifies celebrities, topics, and generates summaries to enhance content discovery and accessibility

Faster video editing

Automatically segment longer-form videos into searchable, self-contained clips ready to edit

Video summaries and snippets

Automatically create summaries, or snippets from longer-form videos

How it works

Simply upload your videos and MediaCopilot will do the rest. Wether you need a simple-to-use interface, or want to use AI capabilities connected to your MAM, we've got your back

Intuitive management via browser
Easy to integrate using our Rest API

Ready to take your Live to the next level?

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